I am constantly receiving questions about our Spirit Guides, who are they, how do you communicate with them, what are they like. So I am giving you 12 things you need to know about Spirit Guides that I have learned since I was a very young girl when they first introduced themselves to me. Over the years they have become more than just friends they are my family.
Even though we have free will of choice our Spirit Guides shall guide us, but never control us, always remember that. The have no reason and are not bound by the earthly desires…
“The 12 things you need to know About Spirit Guides
1) They are with you per your soul contracts.
2) They will never tell you anything negative, harmful, fearful or rude.
3) They, just like you, have had previous physical lifetimes.
4) They are your very best friends.
5) They have so much insight, intelligence, understanding, and love to give to you.
6) They will not always interfere with what you are doing, as you have free will of choice, but they will give you signs in what direction you are going.
7) You have had many incarnations with them and you will discover this as you journey along your path in getting to know them.
8) Certain Spirit Guides will come and go according to your lessons you are here to learn.
9) They always have time for you, even when you do not know it or ask it.
10) They will protect you in all ways when you ask and open doors for you.
11) You are a teacher & guide to them, as much as they are with you in this lifetime to teach & guide you in your journey.
12) They love you more than anything and want the best for you.
I have so much more to share with you about your Spirit Guides, hang around I will tell you more next time….
Love, Laughter & Light, Adele
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