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Spiritual Counseling

We all have those times of understanding that we do not understand anything that is going on any more and need some spiritual guidance and assistance in our lives. Adele opens up to your spiritual guides, teachers and loved ones in spirit as she works with The Angelic Wise Ones to lovingly help you on your spiritual journey/path in this lifetime. This is not a private reading, as you are aware that assistance is here for you to make your own choice in the direction of your life, The Angelic Wise Ones give you the direction to go and your openness to listen to their wisdom and knowledge will greatly benefit you.

Adele is known to give homework

“It’s time for a new awareness of who you are, as is your birth-right – and we will lovingly assist you in all ways!”

Your session will last one and a half hours, please dress comfortably.
In – person, Phone Consultations
1 ½ hour consultation Fee: $300.00


Spiritual Counseling



To schedule Adele for speaking engagements, events and workshops in your area, please click into the Schedule Adele in Your Area page. Contact her early to ensure proper notice and to avoid similar dates being taken.

We love our appointment scheduler, which walks you through the whole process of making your appointments with Adele very easy and convenient. We have found over the years this system is an excellent way for you to make your appointment for the times & dates that Ade le has available and that are convenient for you. Just click and the scheduler will walk you through the whole process, if you have any questions please e-mail us. Blessings to YOU !

PLEASE BE AWARE that there may be clients before you. Please do not arrive at Adele’s door more than five minutes ahead of time. Anyone arriving too early will not be admitted until their scheduled time.


Once you make your appointment with Adeleʽs automated appointment scheduler, you will be sent an automatic email reminder a few days in advance of your appointment. We also remind you to write your appointment down as your own personal reminder. Please make sure be on time for your appointment with Adele and no earlier than five minutes before your scheduled appointment time. Adele will not admit individuals earlier than five minutes as she may have other clients before you. Know that you are aware if you do not show up for your appointment or you do not contact Adeleʼsʼ office that you are running late and you are more than 10 minutes late for your appointment, you will be considered a no show or not to be arriving for your scheduled appointment. This includes calling at the ten minute mark or after the ten minute time limit to say you are late or lost. Adele then has the right to refuse with no refund given to you. Clients who do not show for their appointments will not be refunded their session fees and Adele does not have to reschedule with you. Please be considerate of others as there may be appointments scheduled right after yours.

PLEASE BE AWARE that there may be clients before you. Please do not arrive at Adele’s door more than five minutes ahead of time. Anyone arriving too early will not be admitted until their scheduled time.

If you know that you are going to need to re-schedule your appointment, please let our office know as soon as possible as this opens the energy for others to be allowed to use that time & space. This then brings your own energy into alignment with all you do. You may also log back into the Appointment Scheduler to reschedule or cancel your appointment or just send us an e-mail and we will get back to you.

If you have a minor that you wish to participate in the Private Platform Gallery, Personal Private Readings, Group Sessions, Healing Circles, Spirit Speaks Galleries, Small Group Message Circles, Spiritual Counseling and any event with Adele, please e-mail our office so we may inform you of our Parental Consent Application which is available to you to fill out for your minor to attend said event.


NOTE: As of January 1, 2016,  Adele no longer offers Audio Recordings of your Sessions this includes in-person and long-distance sessions. If you would like to Audio Record your session with Adele you have permission to do so as long as you by Maryland Law inform Adele you are audio recording.

If you would like to audio record your session with Adele, please bring your own audio recording device.

If you would like to audio record your session with Adele, please bring your own audio recording device.
Audio recordings of your Private Reading are not part of the session fee and is not guaranteed. For individual in-person and long distance telephone sessions, are recorded and will be made for your convenience and we will then give you this recorded session  in an email link format for your listening pleasure. As everything is given to you in an email link format, as Adele does not guarantee recordings on cassette tapes, ( as the energies sometimes are too high in frequency and or this too is another message from Spirit) she does like to provide this service to you and does suggest you also write down any important information you are receiving from the session – if you so choose to do so. Adele does not remember the messages during the time of the session or after. Adele does not keep a copy of your recorded sessions and makes no duplication’s of your session to keep on file. These are your messages and no one elseʼs.

Recordings of your sessions on CDʼs, MP3 and or cassette tapes are all copyright protected. You have given permission for the recordings at the time of the session and it is to be used for your own personal journey. Adele provides this gift to you and opens the energies around in using these recordings in any other way, Adele ask that you contact her for publishing rights with her permission.