Nine out of ten people walking around today are having a spiritual awakening and don’t know it. However, you are different. Perhaps you are just opening to the spiritual journey of learning who you are and why you’re here on Mother Earth. Maybe you’ve already been walking this path, but you sense that something is still missing. Your soul is calling you toward your divine mission.This book will help you to step even closer to that sacred calling.It will teach you about the world of psychics and mediums, about your angels and guides and how to receive their blessings and messages, about rising above society’s conditioning and about following profound spiritual practices. Most of all, this book will gently assure you and remind you that you are in deed a spiritual being and that even if others see you as “different,” you really can do whatever your heart desires.
This Guided Journal with the Visionary Messenger is to accompany The Visionary Messenger.This marvelous book is 8 ½ x 11 with 200 page’s. This is a thirty day journal, nice easy and simple. I wanted to help the reader in a way that is loving and inspirational to assist in releasing that which is not in integrity to who they are. A huge healing process in this journey which is guided by original prayers and inspirations that my guides and angels give to all of us as we walk through this development and beginning of a relationship with God in every way without the doctrines of any religion. For this is a Spiritual journey of the heart and soul.
Adele Marie – is an Internationally known Visionary Messenger, Author, Metaphysical Teacher, Recording Artist with multiple CDs and as a gifted Clairvoyant Medium works with what is known as a sixth sense, working in the Spiritual Realms. From the age of four, spirit opened the doors for her to embrace her mission here on Mother Earth. Adele’s teachings come as we proceed to move rapidly into a force of energy that is designed to enlighten and move the individual forward in the light to their own ascension. She travels conducting seminars, workshops and enlightenment to all, inspiring individuals to empower their true Spirit self..