Adele is now offering 2020 Covid Essential Private Readings!
Adele Marie is now offering three New Covid Essential Private Readings for you to choose from.
*Love Star Crystal Ball Private Readings
*15 minute 3 Question Special Private Reading
*1/2 hour Special Private Readings
Love Star Crystal Ball Private Readings for 1 individual
Meet Love Star, Adele Marie’s Beautiful Holographic Star Rose Quartz… She is a lovey and relays messages loud and clear to everyone whom is around her. As The Visionary Messenger, Adele Marie looks beyond what the human eye sees, to be visually in the energies as they come alive before her.
15 minute 3 Question Special Private Reading for 1 individual
“We all need to assist one another during this time. Life as we know shall not go back to what others call normal, so why not find out what your new normal shall be? Here is your chance to ask her any 3 questions that you have, for Adele Marie to answer from her Angelic Wise Ones.”
1/2 hour Special Private Readings for 1 individual
Lets bump it up beyond the 3 questions in this 1/2 hour Private Reading with Adele Marie. During the time when you are not understanding how life is going or what our next steps in your journey shall bring. This precious time with one of our most Amazing Visionaries in our lifetime.
1 Hour Private Reading for 1 individual
And of course she has her 1 hour long Private Reading you can find here.
ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Copy Right© 1990-2020 Adele Marie/Angelic Wise Ones®
All Rights Reserved –Copyright© Unauthorized Duplication is a violation of applicable Laws. Without expressed written permission by Adele Marie/Angelic Wise Ones®1990-2020