Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
Hello and Welcome Angels, wow what a time life has been with so many energies running around and so many accomplishments that have been delivered all around us.
Even tho we are at a time of Mercury Retrograde it is no time to delay in what you are accomplishing right now in your life. With Holiday happiness at our doors, MR will assist us to get over and get going!
Retrogrades are about allowing you to slow down and take a look at life.
As we do so we can see the gifts that are in abundance for us… hello do you see them? Slow down and allow the journey to unfold right before your eyes. And no, get away from the naughty thoughts that happen from time to time and lets look at the nice thoughts that are waiting right there at your front door. This December we have…
This December we have the opportunity to not just make our own life a celebration of goodness we have the chance to make the lives of others glorious too. Adele, what do you mean you ask?… lol…. Well… in the way of your nice list…we all have them. The times that make us smile, the little excitement that your Joy Guide brings to you and you dance or giggle to yourself when something gets your attention and goes your way. Example, I was in the store and I asked Rainbow Butterfly ( my Joy Guide) to assist me in finding something that I know exist but I was having a hard time finding it and she had to help get my attention to it… Low and behold I was with my daughter and she took me to an area of the store that I really don’t venture into, and as I rounded the corner O.M.G. there, right there was the item…. I was elated until I saw the price tag… ughh… but no matter she had helped me and I made a commitment to just go for it. As we approached the cash register I asked my Angels to assist me in the purchase to be the right one for me at the price amount I had with me… So my daughter & I grabbed our coupons and as the girl rang my item up she said I could not use the coupon. I was like ummm.. seriously? I met the conditions of the coupon and she laughed and smiled and said well, no you do not because it is on sale and marked down so the coupon will not work. I looked at the amount and was like… Thank You Dear Angels, I Love You!… right there in front of everyone I did my Adele happy dance…. Everyone was smiling and laughing with me and I sent them Angel Hugs for an awesome day as they had just shared with me…I walked out of the store saving so much and receiving the item I had been looking for so long… Happy, Happy, Happy. And the feeling of niceness washes over everyone… Get it?
So bring out your nice list and see who you can write on that nice list. Then think of ways you can give to them a dance in life or smiles, giggles or laughter… It does not take much and maybe just a little phone call or a card in the mail. We like to make book marks for our reader friends and wrap it with a candy cane or piece of chocolate.. oh yes, chocolate and watch them light up!…Remember during Mercury Retrograde it is also about completing things you have been putting off. So if being nice is on your own list of touching base with others, then lets just do it!
OMGosh what about those on the naughty list? Well…write those names down too as you can send them love through the Universe for them to have an excellent and fun filled holiday season too…The Angels with Santa do not discourage sending niceness even to a bah humbug individual too.
Okay, Now please make sure you check out All of my Holiday Happenings, from my Private Reading and Group Gallery Specials to Special Events created with all of you in mind. Something for everyone to enjoy, receiving messages, celebrate together and just out of curiosity check out. I think you will find a great time and if you have not made plans for New Years Eve yet we are having our 2nd Annual New years Eve event that will bring the Stars out shining with you! Everything is listed int his Newsletter or go to my Homepage to find where you should be on any given night with Spirit!
As most of you know I am back and forth to Florida and working like crazy while I am there. If you live in Florida and are in need to schedule a Private Reading or wish to join in my meditation Group when I am in town, please email . You can also keep a breast of what events I am having in Florida by checking out my Face Book page or my Instagram page. Oh yes, if you spot me in Florida and walk up to say HI… I have a Special gift just for you! See you there. Florida is beautiful!
We have some wonderful Workshops coming over the next few months be sure to check them out as well as these are absolute amazing and assist you in your Spiritual journey.
Okay… on with the rest of my Newsletter, I am very excited as this New Year Approaches as everything is falling into place. Keep smiling and know we have so much to share and bring you along with us to answer and communicate that this is going to be a Year to recognize your Awesomeness!!!
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from The Angelic Wise Ones® and Myself from our hearts to Yours ♥
Love, Laughter & Light™, Adele Marie
All Rights Reserved Copyright © 2017 Adele Marie/ Angelic Wise Ones®