Date: TBA
Time: 11:00am to 3:00pm
Location: Elkridge, Maryland
Tuition Fee: $125.00 -*($20.00 a nr-deposit required at time of registration).
In this experiential hands-on workshop will take you to the next level of learning about the energetic energy in you and those you know and meet. Adele will show you how to instantly connect with someone’s energy to understand and know things about him or her you always knew and can now confirm energetically.
See and feel the auras around each person, chakras open up for you to clearly see and feel how they are working.
Learn how to sense, feel and see Angels, Guides and Teachers around those who you are working with.
Increase your energy level and congratulate yourself on reading the energy of those you get together with.
What do the colors of energy patterns really mean.
How to work with the energetic energies
How to discern the different types of energetic energies in someone
Learn the different types of readings
Do energetic readings for fellow classmates
If you know and believe you are an intuitive, empathy or sensitive then let Adele show you how to open yourself up in such a lovely way with a touch of energy that will confirm exactly what you are receiving when you meet people. Increase your energy and confidence level as you see how simple it is to work with the energies that are made available to you in this way. Whether you are looking for something to do on a personal level or that which will enhance and increase your abilities as a Psychic and Medium Reader, this workshop will show you how easily it is to allow yourself to recognize what you are receiving with amazing results. Never doubt yourself again!
This is a hands-on workshop, be prepared to have fun and be astonished at what you can do,
just by understanding energetic in everyone and your own energy.
At the end of this workshop, you will be able to read each person you meet with a simple touch of energy that will leave a smile on your face and theirs!
Registration is a must as classes fill up fast Please dress comfortably, bring a notebook/journal and bring a lunch.
To Register for this workshop:
*Registration is a MUST and a $25.00 non-refundable deposit is required at time of registration which will be applied to payment fees.
All Spiritual & Mediumship Class Courses created by Adele Marie/Angelic Wise Ones®1990-2022
ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Copy Right© 1990-2022 Adele Marie/Angelic Wise Ones®
All Rights Reserved –Copyright© Unauthorized Duplication is a violation of applicable Laws. Without expressed written permission by Adele Marie/Angelic Wise Ones®1990-2022