Everywhere you look now a days you see some form of Mediumship event. I must laugh as when I was young you never would have seen anything like this everywhere and I think it is awesome. Me? I sat with some old school Mediums since I was just learning how to walk, and they were amazing. The best teachers that there shall ever be. And when I say sat with them, I mean in Seances. These were some of the most interesting and coolest circles to sit in. And yes, I mean old school seances. Hmmm…I should actually hold a few so you can see what I mean.
Sidetracking shall get me know where…lol… okay, as I was saying everywhere you turn you shall find some form of Mediumship. I love this, and I love the fact that I for the past twenty years or so had a hand in helping to create that in our community here where I live. Back then no one was teaching Mediumship and you had to drive across the states to find a place like Lilly Dale to experience classes or this wonderful phenomenon called Mediumship. And as I had learned from the best in my growing development years I knew I wished to teach others.
I guess you could say and I know my older students will attest to the fact that I am a stickler for responsibilities and learning the right way when someone wishes to step into this genre. We all have the ability to open the doors to Spirit and communicate with them. It does not matter if you wish to be a professional Medium or utilize the development in your everyday work life. Numerous times I have students who profess they do not wish to do as I do with private readings with clients, teaching students, workshops, seminars, private groups, etc…. They just wish to bring it into their own life for a peace of mind or greater understanding of their journey. And I am thrilled to teach everyone as long as they know I am a very serious Master Teacher and my journey is to assist you in being the best you can be wherever life takes you.
So, when someone joins one of my development classes the find that I can be very free flowing and very blunt. Let’s look at and see if Mediumship Development is for you, shall we?
If you are feeling:
Hard to explain
Happy go lucky
And you feel as if something is going on and you are not sure what it is and need to understand or have had unexplained things happen, if you have lost a loved one. Keep hearing noise or a ringing sound n your ear. Believe someone is around you. Feel as if you are feeling something, hear things. See things in your mind or across the room. Know things about people that you don’t know or don’t know why. Your friends tell you that you have a gift. Just want to have a good time with others and think this would be cool to learn…
Are you ready to be more aware in your life and with everything around you?
Then Mediumship Development is for you!
Usually classes for development are two hours without twenty million breaks in between. You will learn about the different levels of Spirit. Who is Spirit, why we communicate with them, who your Spirit Guides are, how we can identify them. What the different levels of energies are. How to protect yourself, why we say prayers and so much more.
One of the biggest suggestions I can give you is to not have any Caffeine at last one hour before your class start time. You will be meditating, and you will need to be able to sit as you meditate. And if you have had a friend sit in a development class before, awesome. Shall it be the same? Nope, each development class is different as it should be, as everyone has different energies and hence how each class is different.
Oh, and you must be ready to be honest, make real friends, share and do the homework. Did I say Homework? Why yes I did…. You will love it!
Ha… Check it out I just created a Séance Night to… This shall be Awesome. Okay well check out the 2 New Development Classes that start real soon. Two Nights you can choose from Monday OR Thursday Night… I’ll see you there but more importantly, I will see you at the Séance!
Love, Laughter & Light, Adele Marie
All Rights Reserved Copyright ©1990 – 2024 Adele Marie/ Angelic Wise Ones®
ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Copyright© 2000-2024 Adele Marie/Angelic Wise Ones®
All Angelic Holiday Specials, Spiritual & Mediumship Class Courses, Night with the Stars, Workshops, Classes, Channeling Night with Adele, created by: Adele Marie/Angelic Wise Ones®1990-2024
All Rights Reserved –Copyright© Unauthorized Duplication is a violation of applicable Laws. Without expressed written permission by Adele Marie/Angelic Wise Ones®1990-2024