As the journey continues Adele Marie takes you a step farther with your Crystal Wonders in this hands on Beginners Crystal Grid Workshop.
Patience does have its Divine virtues as all things come back to Mother Earth.
Learning Crystals grids is not for the individual who wishes to jump in their learning journey working with Spirit.
DATE: Saturday, March 2, 2019
TIME: 11:00 am. to 3:00 pm.
Location: Millersville, Maryland
Empowerment: $150.00 *($25.00 a nr-deposit required at time of registration).
Crystal Grids are very strong layouts of energy that effects everything around and within it. As you have journeyed this far you have taken on the role of a Crystal Energy for Mother Earth, and have been learning the respect and awe that it takes to be one with Mother Earth. This hands on Workshop takes you to the next level of higher energies for Mother Earth at this time on our history on Mother Earth. All things come to those who wait and this workshop is worth the wait and experiences and development you have been learning to get here. This workshop will demand much of you and your energy. It will demand the respect and integrity of working with energetic crystals and grids that can open doors to higher energies or that which you would not wish upon anther, let alone yourself yourself.
This workshop you will need permission from Adele Marie to take this workshop. You will need to demonstrate your knowledge of governing laws and all that you have learned from the previous workshops.
Crystal Are available for purchase at Shop 18b
Beginners Crystal Grid Workshop Workshop created, written, recorded & channeled by Adele Marie of Angelic Wise Ones®
ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Copy Right© 2000-2019 Adele Marie/Angelic Wise Ones®