Who Love’s Crystal Balls?
Date: Saturday, December 8, 2018
Time: 4:00pm to 8:00 pm.
Location: Millersville, Maryland
Empowerment: $110.00 *($25.00 a nr-deposit required at time of registration).
Adele Marie that is who and she knows you do too.
This is going to be a blast of a workshop!
Everyone has seen how the Crystal Ball holds the world in thrall as it keeps its secrets hidden within.
Adele Marie is going to open those doors of secrets to let you see into the world of Crystal Ball Spirit.
Working with Adele Marie in this hands on Workshop is a delightful experience of learning to communicate with Crystal Balls.
She will thrill you and take you to the next level of working with Spirit and Mother Earth with Crystal Balls that tell you
everything you need to know about everything you need to know.
This workshop allows you to be qualified to be a Monthly Member of the Exclusive Club of Crystal Ball Communication.
Adele Marie will have a variety of Crystal Balls for you to purchase.
Crystal Ball Reading Workshop created, written, recorded & channeled by Adele Marie of Angelic Wise Ones®
ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Copy Right© 2000-2019 Adele Marie/Angelic Wise Ones®