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Crystal Guardian Healer ™ Workshop

Crystal Guardian Healer ™ WorkshopA crystal workshop


When: March 16, 2019

Where: Millersville, MD.

Time:  4:00 pm to 7:00 pm.

Empowerment: 130.00   non-refundable deposit 20.00


Crystal Guardian Healer

Now that you have an understanding of Crystals, lets learn what it is like to be a Crystal Guardian Healer™.  Adele takes you to the next level opening up your guardianship energies as she has prepared this workshop for you and your healing journey.

In this experiential workshop you will not only be hands on, but you will find the natural healer within you. Opening yourself to the energies of the healing crystals to know which crystal is a healing crystal, and how to use the energies of the crystal to heal yourself and those around you.

Being a Crystal Guardian™. is a huge responsibility and an exciting way to enjoy your crystals in your life as a Crystal Guardian Healer™.

Adele will guide and show you how to select your crystals for what they do best…communicating to and with you.

This is an amazing workshop that will open you up to higher healing energies when working as a Crystal Guardian Healer™.

You will learn how to do crystal layouts on yourself and this also includes in your healing practice with your clients.




All Rights Reserved Copy Right© 2000-2019 Adele Marie/Angelic Wise Ones®