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Crystal Mine Workshop

True to form as the crystals grow their magic lies within their growth and access of energies within Mother Earth. This allows all of us to understand the crystals as they talk to us, as they sing to us, as they get our attention with what we need, or what Mother Earth needs at any given moment.

Date: Saturday, November 17, 2018

Time: 4:00pm- 8:00 pm.

Location: Millersville, Maryland

Empowerment: $95.00 *($25.00 a nr-deposit required at time of registration).


Just as you grow and journey along your path, you are forming in the right ways to access the energies of Mother Earth

We all know that Crystals are Mother Earths life blood.

We all know we can attune with Mother Earth and her life blood energies.

We all know we are reaching to a higher frequency, just as the crystals are the higher frequency vibrations of the World.

What do the crystals tell you of the events that are happening upon Mother Earth?

This workshop is designed to assist you in becoming one with Mother Earth Crystals and her healing energies within.

In order to understand crystal you must know their formations and why.

Adele Marie walks you thru your connection to Crystals and why they choose you as an  surrogate extension of Mother Earth.  Sitting in one of Adele Marie’s workshop you never know what shall happen and where you shall go.



Crystal Mine Workshop



This is a pre-requsite workshop to Crystal Grid Layout Therapy . Formations that Mother Earth has given to Adele Marie

Crystal Are available for purchase at Shop 18b

Crystal Mine Workshop created, written, recorded & channeled by Adele Marie of Angelic Wise Ones®

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Copy Right© 2000-2019 Adele Marie/Angelic Wise Ones®