Angelic Wise Ones®Through the Eyes of a Visionary Messenger... Adele Marie
Essential Fire Workshop
Essential Earth, Wind, Water & Fire Workshops
Essential build upon Workshops with all 4 elements that we live upon Mother Earth. These workshops are created and designed by Adele Marie and Her Angelic Wise Ones,to assist you in our preparedness in today’s world!We all know there are challenges everywhere in life. Are You Ready to face the potential changes that we are living in? Are You Prepared to face the next steps of any emergency that comes your way? In these series of workshops you will learn survival and sustainable skills to know where you are when you need to be ready, and what to do in those emergencies that come about. Each Workshop shall teach you about the specified element, how to utilize the element to sustainable survival and what supplies, essentials and tools are needed to survive in any emergency situation. It is pretty cool to see what everyday and ordinary objects along with knowledge shall have you living like a pro in no time, with a free conscious and no anxiety. Build your own set up to last and be there when you need it the most!Four Separate Workshops, Take them All or choose which ones call to you. But you will wish to take them all !Date: Sundays 2019/2020 ( See Dates Below)
Time: 10:00am to 3:00pm
Location: Millersville, Maryland
Empowerment: $125.00 *($25.00 a nr-deposit required at time of registration).
All Spiritual & Mediumship Class Courses, Night with the Stars, Workshops, Classes, Channeling Night with Adele, created by: Adele Marie/Angelic Wise Ones®1990-2020