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Knowing Thy Self Workshop

In this incredible workshop you will journey within to met your own knowing.


An experience of traveling within the depths of your energies and soul.

Date: Saturday – 2018

Time: 10:00 am to 2:00 pm.

Empowerment: 100.00

NR Deposit 20.00

Location: Millersville, MD.

Knowing Thy Self Workshop

Next Journey of illumination is “Knowing Thy Self” accompanied by Adele Marie’s Guided Meditations sharing and  teaching you how to become more aware of those in the spiritual realms, which energy vibrations are around you on a daily basis and how to identify them wherever you are. Knowing Thyself in all ways is what is needed as you open yourself up to more and more different energies around you.

Also Included in this workshop is her “Peaceful & Tranquil Healing” energetic meditation which brings you into awareness of peacefully healing the emotional issues within your body. Journey with Archangel Raphael, as you receive his energetic energy assisting you in releasing emotional traumas to bring peace into your life.

Knowing Thy Self Workshop created, written, recorded & channeled by Adele Marie of Angelic Wise Ones®

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Copy Right© 2000-2019 Adele Marie/Angelic Wise Ones®