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Kundalini Reiki Certified Master Course

Kundalini Reiki Certified Master CourseAdele_gift from Mother

Class is now forming for this energetic Reiki healing course. You will receive your Certification as a Kundalini Reiki Master. Whether you are already a Reiki Master in other healing modalities or are new to seeking an energy healing course, this one is amazing. As a Reiki Master you will feel your energy being boosted even more to add to your healing practice in what you offer to your clients.

If you are new to all of this healing energy work that you keep hearing about and are thinking of trying some healing work and you are looking for something to get you started, this then energy system is ideal to work with and just what you need to get your own Reiki healing practice started.

Last day to Register for this workshop is November 2, 2024   REGISTRATION IS A MUST!


November 16, 2024

Time: 11:00 am to 5:00 pm.

Empowerment: 200.00 ( Paid in Full )

Non-Refundable Deposit: 50.00 ( Hold you space in Workshop) 

Location: Millersville, MD.

(You will receive Welcome letter from Adele Marie prior to start of Course- See NOTES Below)


Kundalini Reiki Certified Masters Workshop


Certification upon completion of workshop- Kundalini Reiki Certification Master Course

Please NOTE: This workshop requires the participant to receive the activations of (3) three attunements before starting the workshop. This is a must energy and an excellent workshop to attend. Please dress comfortable, bring water and notebook/journal

You will be learning this healing modality with hands on experience thru the duration of the workshop.

What you will need:

Notebook, Pen/Pencil, Please bring a light lunch and drink ( non-Caffeine), Your favorite Angel Oracle Cards (but not necessary) and Please Dress Comfortably

Registration Information:

Address will be sent upon Registration with Payment in Full OR  non-refundable Deposit – Non-Refundable deposit of $50.00 – Remainder of Payment must be made in full – at time of class sign-in. (Doors open at 9:45am) – Registration is on a first-come, first-serve basis, and is strictly limited to 10 individuals – Registration is a must to hold your seat.

*** NOTE ***

NO Caffeine One-Hour Prior to Workshop dates & times Doors Open at 9:45 am This is a small intimate class, by registering you are filling a seat.


If you wish to learn Kundalini Reiki you must begin with Kundalini Reiki Level 1,  even if you are a Master in another form of Reiki. The cost of this course includes all three attunements to Master Level plus the upgrade. There are no prerequisites to receiving the Kundalini Reiki course although I personally feel that if you have already learned Usui Reiki Level I you will have a greater understanding of Reiki in general which will assist you with Kundalini Reiki.

Adele Marie is the founder of the Angelic Kundalini Reiki Certification Workshop that is offered here.

Kundalini is an amazing healing technique that is simple to use. You will receive 3 distant attunements, which open and strengthen the energy channels in your body. This enables Reiki energy to flow through your body and release any energy blockages.

Kundalini awakening starts at the Base Chakra, which is the entrance for the Kundalini Energy. After entering the body the energy runs up through the main energy channel and exits through the Crown Chakra. When your Kundalini is opened a complete cleansing of the chakras and energy channels will occur over a period of time. Kundalini Reiki is similar to the traditional systems of Reiki, but once your Kundalini has been awakened in this safe manner your Reiki Healing abilities will be much improved.

If people have previously had problems with a Kundalini Awakening, a Kundalini Reiki treatment can often help. When you have your Kundalini awakened through Kundalini Reiki your Chakras are opened from the base to the Crown so Kundalini energy is released through the Crown chakra and there can be no build up of energy.

Kundalini Reiki is very powerful, grounding, intense and simple to use. Working with the Kundalini Reiki Energies and Ascended Master Lord Kuthumi, Adele created this in-person workshop to assist you, and walk you thru experiencing the energies on all levels in giving and receiving.

An awakened Kundalini means that healing channels and chakras have been opened, and you have access to the Earth’s energy. The Root or Base chakra acts as an entrance for the Kundalini energy. 

Kundalini Reiki has three levels of attunement. If you wish to utilize and work with the Kundalini Reiki you need to start with level 1 even if you have been attuned and practicing other Reiki modalities. 

You shall be receiving three long distance energy attunements before attending the workshop. All instructions for the energy attunements shall be sent via email to be completed before attending the workshop…

Kundalini Reiki Attunement Level 1:
This first attunement opens the healing channels to allow channeling of Reiki energy. At the same time you are prepared for the Kundalini awakening in Kundalini Reiki 2. The Crown, Heart and hand chakras are opened/strengthened. You are taught to perform a complete healing treatment and to heal remotely from a distance. You will learn how to do a Situation/Qualities or Relationship Healing.

Kundalini Reiki Attunement Level 2:
All channels are strengthened. Kundalini Awakening – main energy channel opens gently and surely, alighting the Kundalini “fire.” This means that the healing channels are strengthened and your Kundalini opened safely to about halfway. You will learn a meditation technique, which increases the power of the Kundalini energy, which helps further cleansing take place. Kundalini reaches the Solar Plexus chakra, preparing for the full Kundalini rising in Kundalini Reiki 3. 

Kundalini Reiki Attunement Level 3 (Kundalini Reiki Master): 
The previous attunements are strengthened and the Throat, Solar Plexus, Heart and Root Chakras are opened. The Kundalini “fire” is strengthened and reaches up and out of the Crown chakra – full rising of the Kundalini takes place. This means that now all healing channels are strengthened again and full Kundalini opening takes place, where the energy will flow from the base chakra up to the crown chakra, cleansing all chakras.

You are also taught to attune Crystals and other objects, so that they act as Reiki channels. 

In level three you will also be attuned to the following systems and you will learn how to use these in your Kundalini Reiki practice: 

1. Balance Reiki
2. Diamond Reiki
3. Crystalline Reiki
4. D.N.A Reiki
5. Birth Trauma Reiki
6. Location Reiki
7. Past Life Reiki


Certification upon completion of workshop- Kundalini Reiki Master

This is a must energy and an excellent workshop to attend. Please dress comfortable, bring water and notebook/journal

Last day to Register for this workshop is MARCH 11, 2023     REGISTRATION IS A MUST!

Kundalini Reiki Workshop created by Adele Marie of Angelic Wise Ones® incorporating the Kundalini Reiki energies created by Ole Gabrielson.

Additional Kundalini Reiki Training is an additional set of Workshops.

Kundalini Reiki Boosters 1-2-3
(Prerequisite: Kundalini Reiki Master)

Kundalini Reiki Boosters 4-5-6
(Prerequisite: Kundalini Reiki® Master)



ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Copyright© 2000-2024 Adele Marie/Angelic Wise Ones®

All Angelic Holiday Specials, Spiritual & Mediumship Class Courses, Night with the Stars, Workshops, Classes, Channeling Night with Adele, created by: Adele Marie/Angelic Wise Ones®1990-2024

All Rights Reserved –Copyright© Unauthorized Duplication is a violation of applicable Laws. Without expressed written permission by Adele Marie/Angelic Wise Ones®1990-2024