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Animal & Human Spirit Healing
Dan Frost Healing
Dan Frost Healing opens the door to spiritual awakening and enlightenment by unraveling the mysteries of life through the Gift of the Holy Spirit, Kundalini Reiki,Energetic Power Sessions, Past Life Energy Sessions, Ghostbusting and Intuitive Clairvoyant Readings.
Peace of One with Kim Gough
Click into Peace of One to discover the healing expertise of Kim Gough withAbundance Reiki, Tachyon Energy, distance healing chi balls, remote healing for humans and remote healings for pets, plants and small gardens! You’ll also discover attunements and classes such as Abundance, Abundantia, Diana Archetype, and Gold Reiki as well as mandalas, products, and articles about Fairies, pendulums, crystals, the chakras, forgiveness and gemstones.