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Mercury Retrograde ( MR)

a-MRI Love it and so should you!

January 25, 2016 cannot come soon enough…lol.. I have already heard about the times and the changes that MR has been giving to individuals and it only starts today.

So where does this leave us? This leaves us at the very best part of this New Year and I Love it!

So what are you waiting for? Have you ditched all the junk from 2015? Have you written all of your crap out?

Have you cleaned out the closest, your energy room, your work room, your vehicles, your phone, your to do list? Have you set aside the time to explore everything that you have already created and recognized about yourself? Have you given any thought to what this journey you are enlisted in is all about this coming year? How about your manifestation list and is it your stand up or power year? So many choices that many do not even realize they have as this year is about revealing to you more than what you have allowed to be revealed before.

Now, before you start to get anything going this month (unless you have already been working on it), take the time to look around you. Look at your space and what do you feel and what do you see? Is this your sanctuary? Is this your place of peace and wellbeing?

If not, then what is it ? We all need to regroup and refresh ourselves during MR. Why? Because MR is giving us this incredible gift to re-do everything around us. Re-doing what we have been saying we will get around to do, before we seem to get distracted or carried away with, something else that just seems to comes along. When MR walks in the door it says “Hello, what do we have here? And what do we need to do, to get you where you need to be in this lifetime?”. And so it begins. We take a look around, find that energy that seems stale and understand why it is stale. See that corner with the books and clutter? Welllll…. go break up that energy. Corners are huge places where energy get stuck and then it becomes a rut…no stuck in the rut for us in 2016!

What about that table that has the same stack of papers on it? Do you need all of them? Can you simplify the stack? How about a new organizational structure? And by the way, that just may work for a couple other areas of your life right now too. Simplifying our surroundings can be fun and is the way to create our sanctuary. Just as your wardrobe needs to be a re-do… so to does our energy field.

When was the last time you meditated …ok look, more than ten minutes and no, I don’t mean when you are eating or riding the elevator…BTW that is called catching your breath …lol…

Meditation during MR can bring you to a new level and clear away the fogginess that envelopes you from lack of meditating…hello…and since this is something you have been putting off MR shall assist you in a very genuine and graceful way.

Meditation is about exploring yourself, your life, connecting to your spirit guides and loved ones, receiving answers and gifting to yourself a whole new energy, a whole new you, a whole new love of life. Meditation is a way of life and are you not worth it? Are you not saying deep within that something needs to change in your life? Where is your abundance and where has it taken you in 2015?

So many individuals write to me and ask me what can they do to open themselves up more to Spirit communication and I always say … Meditation is the biggest key you have. And if you cannot gift yourself with meditation then you are all over the place and will continue to be that same way during 2016… So what do you have to lose? Exactly… nothing to lose, but everything to gain!

Use this Mercury Retrograde to re-do you and watch as 2016 becomes your year to Love and Shine…

P.S.S.S.s.s.s….. That Journal you have is empty, why not fill some pages…..


Love, Laughter & Light™, Adele Marie

All Rights Reserved Copyright ©2016 Adele Marie/ Angelic Wise Ones®