Mercury Retrograde
As we run around, shop, cook, laugh and meet up with friends and family we have Mercury Retrograde headed our way starting December 19 and I believe it runs thru to January 8, 2017.
What a delightful time of the year to have Mercury Retrograde, yes, I did just say that…lol… As we also look forward to meeting up with friends and family members Mercury Retrograde allows all of this to happen in delightful ways. A time to catch up and look back at all of the times you have had together this past year. This allows you to take care of things that you have not only put off, but to grant yourself respite from not allowing yourself to move on. Gifting during Mercury Retrograde allows you to move on and give someone a huge uplifting of spirits when they need an Angel Hug.
Now remember to stay away from starting anything new that you have not already been thinking about or working on, As it is okay to begin a new or next phase of an older project or plans you have been a part of before Mercury goes in Retrograde. Just please do not begin or think of a brand new project once it starts. As this project or venture shall not bar the fruit you are wishing or banking on.
So take the time to think of all those lovely souls with whom you have been meaning to get in touch with, you have been meaning to bake a dozen cookies for.. been meaning to give a phone call too and do just that… actually all of that would be good for your soul and theirs too. So even as Mercury Retrograde brings its frosty self to all of us, and there shall be those who have tempers or bouts of pouting or not happy with what is under the tree for them during Mercury Retrograde… it is about remembering the times that are behind you and to realize the times before you are amazingly awesome and so too are you!
Have a Happy Holiday Season and be An Angel to those around you when they truly need one or not…lol….
Love, Laughter & Light™, Adele Marie
All Rights reserved Copyright© 2016 Adele Marie/ Angelic Wise Ones®