Lets go back in time and sit with Adele Marie as she conducts an Old School Seance…
Dates: Saturday, March 30, 2019
Times: *** 7:00 pm.*** ( See Below) ( doors open 6:45 pm -Lock at 7:00 pm Prompt)
(please do not wait on landing prior to 6:45 pm.)
Location: Millersville, MD.
Empowerment: 40.00
This Seance Group is a very intimate and small group of 16 individuals Only.
Years ago and even in today’s world we have that place where one can go and connect with the Spirit World in a different light than other events. This is a low lighting candle event for those with an open mind and bright light energy. I have always wished to do a Seance and now is a wonderful time as the energies are lifting to an amazing level of love. Gather around and we receive the Blessings of Communication & Love from Spirit.
Please email Peg at adele@angelicwiseones.com to request a seat in this Seance with Adele Marie.
If you will be present for this Seance you will receive an email back with the Rules upon entry.
If you Do Not receive an email in return, it means the event is filled and we shall place you upon a waiting list.
This is a Registration Invitation Only. No Ticket No Admittance