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Farther Down the Rabbit Hole with Paula Gloria and Adele Marie

Precipitated Art

Precipitated Art is one of the most profound expressions of the ability through intention to manifest new realities. See a gifted medium explain the process of art created beyond the inspiration of the “muse” (& still through human hands) but that art created directly by the non-physical realms.

Welcome to the World of Precipitated Spirit Art
I was Blessed at the end of this past year when I went to New York and was a guest of Paula Gloria from “Farther Down the Rabbit Hole” and Alan Steinfield of “New Realities” Both Paula and Alan, interview some of the top Spiritual individuals and authors of our times, so this was a delightful honor to be there with them, as they made me feel so welcomed as we sat down to do interviews on many spiritual topics. I hope you enjoy this video, it is around 30 minutes long, but you will have the chance to see me in person (long-distance) and a little of who I am.

This was exciting for Paula and I to finally meet and as you can tell, she was asking so many questions back to back that at times I do believe we both forgot who was in the room as we were recording. And in so saying, before we started Paula did not want to talk a lot about things as we wanted it to let the energy flow, but there is one time I did make a hiccup – when I said I went to “Catholic school” I was referring to when I went to public school all of my childhood – elementary, middle and high school. What I did attend was Catholic CCD classes and was tutored with my older brother with a Catholic Nun-Sister Michael, to try to bring us up to par – so to say – and get all of it through our heads. To funny! Back then I was so frightened of Sister Michael, (She reminds me of the movie “Blues Brothers” of the Nun at the top of the steps looking down from above) but always as I look back on it, she was a true Catholic Nun, with the biggest heart I know, and I was Blessed to have her in my life at that time. Spirit works in amazing ways, and as we look back on our lives, we start to piece the bigger picture together.

In so doing, in this video I was sharing some of my personal Spirit Cards with Paula as she was holding them and asking questions. As you will see we did touch on many a subject during these 30 minutes, which always reminds you of how much we do and do not know.
If you have never seen one a “Spirit Cards” you will see them in the video, now the pictures do not come out too clear, as we made to fit a computer screen, but still worth the very moment of enjoyment. These cards were produced by a physical medium that I do not endorse or follow.

At this time I do not personally recommend any psychical medium for you to go to, to sit in a spirit circle. Please use your own good judgment and make every chance possible to thoroughly check out any medium before sitting in their spirit circle, no matter who is hosting the individual medium.

Love, Laughter & Light,