Time is limitless within the confines of our own minds…
Stepping into the energies of 2016 and the time of Revelations…So much to be revealed this coming year and within you too… Be safe this night as you make your way around town with those you love as you ring in the New Year… Celebrate and Relate to a New Year and a New You!
Happy New Year Angels !
What a wonderful year to look back on to know that we shall never walk that journey again as this new journey is before us. A time when we allow ourselves to seek, experience, find, create our life right here and right now.
We stepped out of the year of Truth as 2015 flutters away…memories of time past that shall allow us to be all that we are going to be as this New Year unfolds. We have walked the walk, have experienced the lessons that have gained us insight and clarity to make this New Year of 2016 one of Revelations.
And revelations it is as you shall see more things revealed to you this New Year stronger than ever before. That includes associations with individuals, places and things in your life. And if you thought things could get crazy last year this year shall have your head spinning with everything that shall be revealed across the board. Look inside as the truth has lead you to be here right now. Revealing within you the beauty of all that you are. Individuals as they say…come and go… and this shall not be any different this year with the things that shall be revealed.
It’s also that time when a newness of energy is going to be revealed to all of us to. Not the same old way of doing things, so let go of all that you are trying to carry over to this New Year. Be ready to enjoy a freshness that shall have you shinning brighter than before. And don’t sit around as you did in 2015 waiting for it to happen as yes, you did feel as if you were being pushed into your greatness but you just could not understand what that greatness and excitement was all about. Remember you were definitely not the only one feeling that way. It was a huge burst of energies, of Truth energies thru 2015 that was the soul essence of you pushing you to be more aligned and in truth with your own self.
As all of this transpired it left you feeling as if you needed to get up and go but no one gave you the map with your destination upon it…Well you are entering your destination and with everything that you have gained from 2015 in your energy field around you brings it all here and now for your journey to be an explosive and exciting one.
We step into January of this brand New Year and time with a Mercury Retrograde from January 5 thru January 25, 2016.
Wow what a way to get the New Year going and it really is what is needed to clear out the left over residuals from 2015. But do not make those resolutions that you will never complete. How about creating your timeline of adventures that take you into your journey with a loving embrace to last this whole year?
First thing first is to utilize this MR to get you clear and free from all the debris from 2015. Allowing yourself the room to create and interject your awesomeness for 2016. read more about this MR and how to do just that here, but don’t forget to keep reading the rest of this article as you never know what you may just miss.
We are Traveling to a town near you… I am visiting Buffalo, New York in February meeting everyone, doing private readings and group gallery platform messages. From there we are taking off to L.A. and this opens a whole new platform of work that I am thrilled to be apart of but more on that later.
Okay I am scheduling a Mediumship Development Class series starting this January 25, 2016. That is on Monday Nights and it is a whole new platform of classes that has never before been offered by me, so if you are in these new classes you are going to get the most exciting time working with Spirit in your life. And lets not rule out a new daytime development class and meditation groups going too…
I am recording new Guided Meditation CD’s and we are teaming up with Spirit in a way that shall leave you breathless and ready for the next level waking hand in hand with those among and around you… 2016 is an excellent year to allow…
More so than ever before are we at a time of energies where we can all come together to accomplish what out hearts keep crying out for. Love one another, peace, acceptance, purity of heart, mind and body. So much to be revealed across the board this year of the year of Revelations that it will make your head spin. Lets look at this later with Ascended Master Lord Amin-Ru as he shares the rising tides of Atlantis and the souls of lost long ago as we pay tribute and honor to those of the arts ascending to heaven these past few weeks.
God Bless and allow your heart to know the love that you have is for sharing and loving with everyone….
Love, Laughter & Light™, Adele Marie
All Rights Reserved Copyright ©2016 Adele Marie/Angelic Wise Ones®