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I AM Angelically Unique

On a clear day they say we can see for miles…On a rainy day it is said that we can only see what is right in front of us. Makes you wonder what is really going on, as on a day that is either clear or rainy we have the ability to see anywhere and everywhere we set you intention too. It is the illusion of being prevented from receiving the current of connections within our own self.

I AM right where I belong. Just heard that coming from a young lady and she said those words with so much power as she gently laid it out before all her friends that it immediately resonated and brought tingles all thru my body.

This has been my personal mantra for years… I AM right where I belong.

She knew the power behind those words, but not necessarily the reaction that she would receive from everyone around her. She received a standing ovation and then a few moments later everyone was right back to their same old stories of gloom and doom.

Did you just notice that too?… My mind was screaming as I sat there listening and watching the conversations fly around the room. Inside I am still vibrating at a higher level of awareness and wondering why I am the only one that it resonates with, to then just sit back and absorb that energy even more so. Floating at a level of understanding, having a rush of love energy knowing I have millions of angels and their wings of hugs in that which IAM.

Now mind you, my friends and family are so uniquely genuine in whom they are and vary on every level from those who are into what I do and we have so much fun with it, to those who are way on other platforms in life. And I would not have it any other way. The I AM of each one of us is, as I said earlier, uniquely our own. And so sitting here experiencing the after effects of one on the other platform of life to then look me in the eyes to say “I really do get it, but we are not going there” . I sit back and laugh as they really do get it…in their own unique way. As no matter who you are, what you do or where you are headed… the individual right next to you, really does get it. The individuals who may seem so different than you, really does get it. The one person that you may think will never get it, really does get it.

What one needs to understand is… each one of us gets it, when it is our turn and they way we share all of it…

is Uniquely our own way.


As Unique as you are, and as you are reading this article my words to you are….

My gift to you for getting it is… *ANGEL CODE: “I AM UNIQUE”

We will take $100.00 off my regular fee for a Personal Private Reading or a Soul Aura Energetic Private Reading. How Awesome is that?

FYI…this Angel Code is only valid from September 25 thru September 30, 2014 .

To schedule your Personal Private Reading or a Soul Aura Energetic Private Reading with Adele: Here it is in a Angel Hug


*Angel Code Rules:


  • Email Ashley at: adele@angelicwiseones.com with the ANGEL CODE:
  • “I AM UNIQUE” and that you would like to schedule a Personal Private Reading or a Soul Aura Energetic Private Reading with Adele.
  • Select a date & time from Adele’s schedule for the month of October Only
  • Make Payment thru PayPal with our Angel Invoice- with $100.00 off of her regular fee.
  • Receive the Confirmation Email
  • You are all set.

See you in October and Let’s be the I AM UNIQUE together…….


Love, Laughter & Light, Adele

All Rights Reserved Copyright©2014 Adele Marie/ Angelic Wise Ones®

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