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Angelic Wise Ones November Newsletter 2016

AWO LOGO- 1Message from Adele

2016 Merry Christmas Special

Angels Touring™

Stand Up Year™

Classes & Workshops –(See Below) 


Welcome & Hello Angels,      2016 Adele  

WOW…. what an interesting month this has turned out to be, as we gear up for the Holidays and the ending of the Year of Revelations we are looking forward to new and exciting energies around us. And yes, this month can be a great month when we lend our energies to be positive in all we do. As the bear goes into hibernation we do so a little inside ourselves. We seek the solace of those before us and around us. It is just a natural thing to do, pulling in their energies to warm and comfort us as we move thru the months to come with remembrance, love, respect, and assurances that everything is right in the World. To not do so is allowing the energies to take from all that you hold dear in your lives. If we can not settle that within ourselves then we shall never be settled within our World.

Thanksgiving is a time for many to come together, to be thankful for all they have, all they look forward to, all they miss, and all they are truly grateful for in their lives. Gathering together to communicate and feel energies from those around you like pulling on your beloved sweater of comfort with those you love. Whether you shall be sharing conversation, breakfast or dinner, a journey of inspiration or however you celebrate this time of year with those around you. From someone that gets on your nerves, falls asleep in mid sentence, snores after a belly full of food or that you are excited to see after so long, you are not alone in your memories or emotions this time of year. Thanksgiving is a blessing given to us for the bounty we are not just about to receive, but what we hold in our hearts every day we live.

I am very Thankful for all of you as you are part of my journey that I walk each day and I am truly honored to have All of you here with me.

As we move across these next two months we find it is a time to look back upon the year that we have journeyed. Looking back at our growth from all that we have learned, lived and loved. A time when we can clearly see and dissect in which direction we decided this past year to follow, to direct, to create, to build or dismantle along the way. To make sure we download all those pictures and videos that we hold close to us on our phones like memories we cherish and are too afraid we shall lose. We never lose, we never cease, we never cannot find that which makes our hearts sing.

So enjoy this month, really be thankful for all that you are experiencing in your life. Create, explore and be humbled to know you are loved so much more than you ever believe or know as you walk out your door each day.

As we move into the last of this month a month that no one shall ever forget we are moving forward into the month of December and all things of Memories. I know for me it is a month of remembrance with my Mom as she began her journey transitioning home eleven years ago. Eleven years ago this month I started my Merry Christmas Holiday Special. I began this Special to honor my Mom as she was a gift to all of us in our lives and every soul who met her. She taught me more than I can leave upon this page but one thing is sure, she taught me that each and everyone one of us is equal to the other no matter what the world presents to us, that no one can take away what you do not freely give, that hard works pays off and that words cannot destroy you unless you believe in them and if you do believe in those words, then you do not believe in yourself and be respectful in this world in which we live.

I offer this Special as a way to say Thank You for this wonderful year to all of you for your beauty in being with me, your courage in being you in this world and your love that gets all of us thru that which we need on any given day. And most of all to my Mom for being Special in her own way to everyone she met along her journey, this thing called Life. Tiamo Mom…

So make sure you check it out as it starts November 22, 2016 and you can find it here. Merry Christmas Holiday Special 2016 begins:                                

 Tuesday , November 22, 2016 and Ends December 31, 2016.

Booked/Confirmed with a full payment in November/December and then your Appointment must be scheduled within 3 months of the date of your purchase.

Okay, makes sure you check out our Angels Touring™ article as we have so much coming this season as we leave this year and go into 2017, you are gonna love it. I have New Workshops and Classes posted so check them out. And don’t forget to read the entire Newsletter as I have so much that I am working on that I think you may enjoy.

Until December Angels… the “Year of Acquisition” energies have already been trying to make its presence known…


Love, Laughter & Light™,  Adele Marie

All Rights Reserved Copyright© 2016 Adele Marie/ Angelic Wise Ones®LLC.


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Hello…Angels Touring™ are traveling the East Coast meeting as many individuals at your Spiritual, Psychic and Holistic Events as we can. We have been having a blast for these past couple of months meeting everyone in our travels and are very blessed to find not only lovely Crystals and gems…but incredible Psychics, Mediums and Healers. If you have not been following my twitter, Instagram or Face Book then you have been missing out. We have been to Boston and Pennsylvania and we are traveling to Virginia Beach and then on to Florida. Your event can be our next stop…

Let me say it again….we are looking for and seeking Psychic, Mediums, Psychic Mediums, Healers and your Spiritual Events to meet up with you and to get your story.

We are dedicated to search for the individuals who have a story to tell in their work and would like to share it with everyone. We are seeking the ones who love working with Spirit and want to share it with others. We are searching for you …. Are you searching for us? In this wonderful Spiritual world in which we live we have been guided by Spirit to tell your story. We have been guided to let others know the real world of Mediums, Psychics, Healers, Psychic Mediums, Crystals and more… and we cannot think of a better place to do so than in our own backyards.

We have so much this Holiday season coming just for you, so we will keep you posted. Be ready as we have so much to share that the excitement is crazy to contain. Keep updated and be a part of the journey on my Face Book, Instagram and twitter…Stay connected and interact and watch the abundance and gifts that Spirit has in store for you… The world as you know it is changing… Are You Ready? 2016 Adele & Todd

Just a little Glimpse as we met up with Psychic Medium Todd Sheldon on our Boston Trip and what an sweetie and gifted Psychic Medium he is.  His story you will see very soon…


 Love, Laughter & Light™, Adele Marie

All Rights Reserved Copyright© 2016 Adele Marie/ Angelic Wise Ones®LLC.



2016 315

Stand Up Years™ … what shall it be about?

As a Visionary I see more than you would want to know or understand… everywhere I go and everywhere I am. It is always there right before me with my eyes wide open. I take a lot of what I see with a grain of salt, a lot of making sure I do not dwell upon that which I do see and then all the times when it is so imperative that I make that connection for something that lies deeper. Everything in what I see is always in the truth. With all of this I would not trade it for the world, from seeing your energy and how it shifts back and forth with your emotions, decisions, conversations etc… to world events. Watching thru eyes as the world events play out before us, everyone’s strongest desires when trying to bring the best light possible to the candidate of their choice. Just as you, my choice this Presidential election is just that … my choice… and just like you I wish for changes, peace, dedication, patriotism, equality, growth and so much more. Shall one or the other be the true answer? Not quite from what I see…

To explain we have to look Spiritual at different energies and how they shall play out. I advocate for not one candidate over another as I know there shall be in our near future a Counsel in which governs our country (not that there isn’t already, mind you). But a true counsel of elected individuals who shall run this country together with one being no higher than the other….and with that being said…Take a journey and allow me to explain the “Stand up Years™” of energies with both of the main candidates…

I am not an astrologer as many of you know, and I do not know anything about horoscopes, birth dates, etc….that being established and said…

I am a Visionary and I do know about energies and “Stand up Years”. A short synopsis of the “Stand Up Year™” below helps us to understand more. The age in our lives that our now President Elect is today, is called the “Stand Up Year™” meaning a year of decisions and choices. A year of finally stepping up and doing what you have always thought, believed or knew you can do but have not done so yet in life, in which you shall. So your soul is calling for you to finally do it, through the choices you make. To make it a year of purpose. A journey in which we are building for the betterment all around us.

Let us start with Mr. Donald Trump, now our President Elect whom is seventy (70) years of age right now. Born June, 14, 1946. His Stand Up Year™ is right now. A time in life where Mr. Trump’s year to a year and a half previous to him turning seventy( last year and so) … meant that he went thru much of what his soul was directing. His soul was assisting him to let go of everything that is no longer of value. This happens when we have held on to things for so long that when we reach our “Stand up Year” our soul is saying it is time and let go of all that is no longer of value in your life and that means, people, places and things. When this happens and the individual will not let go, they live and have turbulent times in their lives for that year to a year and a half. The path and journey is not the smoothest for them in any direction they go during that time frame if they will not, shall not and do not work with their soul to align themselves in their journey. Ohhh… they make it thru but, they struggle the whole time when they will not make the changes and rethink their attitude, when they will not admit, when they will not let go of the people, places and things that are holding on to them or vice versa, controlling things, emotions or associations that mean something to them from a long time ago. Associations that where viable at one time, but no longer serve the greatest or highest outcomes…

Now for those who did work on all of these things, they looked at the truth and let go during their year to a year and half before (pre) their “Stand Up Year™” then they smoothly go into their “Stand Up Year™” with their choice made loud and clear and from then on out they are working in unison with their soul. A journey in which they are building for the betterment all around them. This then could give our President Elect a head start in creating a unison for All Americans and accomplishments within the World spectrum. As they say… we shall have to wait and see just as thru out history we waited with baited breath as each took their turn in the Oval Office.

Know let us look at Secretary Hillary Clinton, born October 26, 1947 to which she is now sixty-nine ( 69) years of age. She has and is fully engaged in her year before her “Stand Up Year” and all I can say is Wow. To understand is to re-read what is written above about a “Stand Up Year™”. Right now she is going thru her pre- “Stand Up Year™” which means her soul is trying to get her to let go of everything that is no longer of value in her life.. people, places and things…This is why… you have seen for the past half year everything come up that individuals like to post about her, good, bad or indifferent as she is living out her life to build her future. Recognizing what she needs to let go of, what works or does not work for her, the people in her life that she needs to let go of or bring into her life as she moves into her full “Stand Up Year™”. As she does all of this, she like he, will be doing so on the Social and World Stream platform which includes all of us.

It’s like this, if you are a year out or even a half a year out of being in your Stand Up Year™ and you are struggling, you know deep inside what you need to do but you are refusing or thinking it will get better or just maybe all go away.. Then those around you feel and are experiencing your emotions, energy, indecisiveness, and your strength, every aspect about you and when you are struggling with it, so too are they. You are projecting whether conscious or unconscious all of that energy around you and those within your life are living it with you. So all in all you are experiencing and looking at a mirror reflected back at you. (which we could get into a whole new discussion here which this writer would enjoy but, alas time is upon us).

You see your soul is always and I mean always assisting and trying to get your attention to clear it all out as you move forward in what you want in life. When we ignore these prompting from our soul, our life is discombobulated and nothing seems to make sense or be correct in what we are trying to accomplish. It’s a constant struggle or challenge by the choices we make to either let go or keep steady and moving ahead with status quo. But once we start aligning with that part of our soul then everything starts working for us as we step forward. So she shall be in her Pre-“Stand Up Year™” if she had been elected to office.

So what does all of these mean in the end???

In the end we keep living and we keep going …living our lives to the best of our abilities. With both of these very high profile and powerful individuals that are on the world stage for all to see, they are also pulling all of us with them as they go thru their pre…full blown “Stand Up Year™”. Add that to this year being the “Year of Revelations” (truths which must be told)…and you find that we have a mixed nice Molotov cocktail of energies to serve the World over. Reminding you that which is displayed as the World waits with held breath to the explosion of energies that shall follow in the days ahead once our new elected President is announced/inaugurated onto the World platform.

God Bless Angels… may your candidate be safe and true in their “Stand Up Year™” For it means our future and that of our children, and their children, and their children, etc……


Love, Laughter & Light™, Adele Marie

All Rights Reserved Copyright© 2016 Adele Marie/ Angelic Wise Ones®LLC.




Classes & Workshops with Adele


November 2016

A Night with the Stars and Adele

Date : November 18, 2016

Time:  *** 7:00 pm.*** ( See Below) ( doors open 6:45 pm -Lock at 7:00 pm Prompt)

Link : A Night with the Stars and Adele


2016 Merry Christmas Holiday Special Begins

Date: November 22, 2016

LinkMerry Christmas Special 


December 2016 

Spiritual Soul Development Class

Date: December 5, 2016 

Time:*** 7:00 pm.*** ( See Below) ( doors open 6:45 pm -Lock at 7:00 pm Prompt)

Link: Spiritual Soul Development Class 


Nights of Channeling with Adele

Date : December 9, 2016

Time: *** 7:00 pm.*** ( See Below) ( doors open 6:45 pm -Lock at 7:00 pm Prompt)

Link: Nights of Channeling


A Night with the Stars and Adele 

Date: December 16, 2016

Time: *** 7:00 pm.*** ( See Below) ( doors open 6:45 pm -Lock at 7:00 pm Prompt)

Link: A Night with the Stars and Adele


Development Class with Adele 

Date: December 29, 2016

First class begins- Register Early

Time: *** 7:00 pm.*** ( See Below) ( doors open 6:45 pm -Lock at 7:00 pm Prompt)

Link : Mediumship Development Class with Adele



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